SOLAR POWER STATION "Logistor-Engineering"

Construction of SPP by
Logistor-Engineering LLC

Creation of an industrial solar power plant for Logistor-Engineering in Cherkasy region.
We increased the company's capacity from 550 to 880 kW and granted it the status of an active consumer, which allows it to use and sell excess energy more efficiently.

Object data
Object address
Cherkasy region, Smila city
Total power
880/1001,355kW AC/DC
Voltage in the line
- 0.4 kV, II category of power supply reliability (connection to the company's networks).
Accounting system
Huawei monitoring
Type of equipment
SPP with a capacity of 880/1001.355 kW AC/DC using the following photovoltaic modules JA Solar JaM72S30 565W - 1417 pcs. Leapton Solar LP182*182-M-72-MH 550W - 365 pcs. and SUN2000-100KTL-M2 inverters - 8 pcs.
SUN2000-40KTL-M3 - 2 units.
Implementation period
3 months


1. Technical conditions for increasing the capacity from 550kW to 880kW were obtained.
2. The technical specifications were issued with the possibility of supplying the generated electricity and the status of an active consumer.
3. Project documentation has been developed and approved: a. Increase in the authorized capacity of the consumer to 880 kW. b. Construction of a rooftop solar power plant with a capacity of 880/1001.355 kW AC/DC. c. Installation of an energy management system.
4. Replacement of the existing 1000kVa switchgear with a 1250kVa switchgear with the possibility of connecting a diesel generator and a solar power plant. (The switchgear replacement was carried out in a short time without stopping production).
5. Metal structures were installed on the roof of the production building and a roof SPP with a capacity of 880/1001.355 kW AC/DC was installed using the following photovoltaic modules JA Solar JaM72S30 565W - 1417 pcs. Leapton Solar LP182*182-M-72-MH 550 W - 365 pcs. and SUN2000-100KTL-M2 inverters - 8 pcs.
SUN2000-40KTL-M3 - 2 pieces.
6. AC/DC cable installation has been completed, the SPP is connected to the new substation.
7. Installed the system of ASKOE tied to the Itron meter and the solar station monitoring system on the HUAWEI Smart Logger 3000A monitoring module.
8. For the installation of the solar power plant, a notice of the start of construction work on the installation of a solar power plant with a capacity of 880.00 kW on the roof of a non-residential building was opened and closed. Consequence class CC1.
9. Amendments were made to the DSO agreements to increase the authorized capacity and change the status of the consumer to an active consumer.

Commissioning of the SPP, electrical installations was completed
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